Right to petition and free access to information of public interest
Right to Petition
The right to petition is guaranteed by the Romanian Constitution. The petition-related procedure is regulated by the Government Ordinance no. 27/2002, approved by the Law no. 233/2002.
The right to submit a petition to the National Housing Agency can be exerted by:
· citizens
· legally established institutions.
A petition must contain the following information:
· petitioner’s identification data (surname, forename, address, phone number)
· petitioner’s signature
· aspects relevant to the subject matter of the petition (irrelevant details should be left out, if possible);
· photocopies of supporting documents (if applicable).
Collective petitions shall contain the identification data and the signature of at least one petitioner belonging to the group.
Petitions should be written as clearly and legibly as possible. If the identification data or the text are not legible or the subject matter of the petition is not clearly stated, the petition shall be dismissed.
Anonymous petitions or petitions that do not contain the petitioner’s identification datashall not be taken into account as well and they shall be dismissed in accordance with Article 7 of the Government Ordinance no. 27/2002. Also, petitions containing insults or denigratory language directed at the National Housing Agency or its employees shall not be taken into consideration.
The petitions may be submitted to the National Housing Agency:
· by post to: Bd. Unirii nr. 61, Bl. F3, Sector 3, 030828 Bucharest
· by fax: +4021 320.61.10
· by e-mail: relpub@anl.ro
· by delivering them in person to the NHA headquarters (the address is mentioned above).
Right to Free Access to Information of Public Interest
Any person’s free unrestricted access to information of public interest as defined by the Law no. 544/2001 is one of the fundamental principles of the relation between individuals and public authorities in accordance with the Constitution of Romania and the international acts ratified by the Romanian Parliament.
Under Article 6 of the Law no. 544/2001:
(1) Any person is entitled to request and receive information of public interest from public authorities or institutions, in accordance with this law.
(2) The public authorities and institutions are obliged to provide the persons with the information of public interest they request verbally or in writing.
(3) A writtten request for information of public interest shall specify:
a) the name of the public authority or institution the request is addressed to;
b) the required information, so that the public public authority or institution may identify it;
c) the requester’s surname, forename and mailing address.
Members of the press may send written requests formulated under the Law no. 544/2001 to presa@anl.ro.