Info point
Under Article 5 (2) of the Law no. 544/2001, the public authorities and institutions are obliged to annually publish and update an information bulletin containing information of public interest. We wish this information bulletin could be a real source of information.
- Legea 544/2001 privind liberul acces la informatiile de interes public
- Lista documentelor gestionate/de interes public
- Acte normative care reglementează organizarea și funcționarea ANL
- Atribuții ale departamentelor
- Coordonate de contact, program de funcționare, program de audiențe
- Plăți
- Programul anual al achizițiilor publice
- Centralizatorul achizițiilor publice
- Programe și strategii proprii
- Rapoarte anuale de activitate
- Rapoarte privind accesul la informații (aplicarea Legii nr. 544/2001)
- Modalitățile de contestare a deciziilor ANL
If you do not find the information you are seeking on our website, you can contact us by phone (+4021 320 61 22), in writing (e-mail: or in person, by visiting the Info Point.
At the Info Point located at the NHA headquarters, you may receive information about the government housing construction programmes implemented by the National Housing Agency, the projects launched/promoted under the NHA mortgage-financed housing construction programmes or other information of public interest related to the NHA activity.
Info Point - Location
The NHA headquarters – 2 Unirii Avenue Bl. F3, Room 13 - Ground floor, Sector 3, Bucharest
Info Point – Opening Hours
Monday: 8:00 - 16:30
Tuesday: 8:00 - 16:30
Wednesday: 8:00 - 16:30
Thursday: 8:00 - 16:30
Friday: 8:00 - 16:00